Jhon Herper - Chefs personliga portföljwebbplatsmall
og体育首页ONE - Obegränsad nedladdning för 12.40$/mån
![Jhon Herper - Chefs personliga portföljwebbplatsmall - Features Image 1](http://s3u.tmimgcdn.com/800x0/u2037619/19e88cc98f06313f9ae91e2e60cf5743.png)
Date 25.03.24
- Changed date to 2027
- Mobile menu -- include Dishes dropdown pages. Changed at all pages html file and style.css file.
- Restaurant Cook for section img hover responsive. Changed in responsive.css file.
- Footer subscribe button responsive in small screen.
- Apply counter increament on dish details page. Changes made on style.css file.
- Checked with html and css validator, Found error and solved
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